Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Like taking off a Band-aid

I had a great weekend in the EUG. A relaxing, errand running, truck fixing, BBQing, hiking, lawn mowing, banana pancake eating weekend. I have a special place in my heart for that weird little town. There are all kinds of fantastic humans living there. I was hard to say good-bye to those folks. I'm a sensitive little somebody (ie. crybaby), so I had to make the good byes brief, "like taking off a band aid" otherwise I would be a sobbing mess for the next 3000 miles. Although... "good bye" isn't really appropriate... "see you soon" is. Right? Right.

I camped out and rode my favorite Oregon trail (Middlefork) twice in the last 24 hours. I gotta get my fill... I'm going to try and set up a flicker page for all of my pics. I just have to remember where I packed my camera...

It was a little boring camping by myself. Don't get me wrong- I think that I appreciate quiet time better than most- it was just really quiet. If I'm not careful I'm going to start having full-on conversations with the Hot Dog... In anticipation of having lots of time on my hands, I asked for reading recommendations. I now have a list of good, and very different books to read. Right now I'm in the middle of The Celestine Prophecy. The plot is very good, and there's alot of interesting concepts (especially for someone who's in the middle of a big transition...). I'm trying very hard not to go too fast with it.

Ok. That's it for today. On to Bend, OR...

See you soon.

1 comment:

Shannon C. said...

The band aid tactic didn't work so well for me. I cried all the way to work.

I want to hear your insights from the book! The Tao of EmThib....123 GO!